Különleges Holdház Horoszkóp, Sumér Zodiákus, Egyiptomi Zodiákus, Sziderikus Zodiákus
Special Lunar Mansion chart wheels, Sumerian Zodiac Chart Wheels, Egyptian Zodiac Charts

    The starting point of the tropical zodiac is based on the position of vernal equinox of the northern hemisphere (i.e. the intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator). There are 12 tropical signs - 12 sectors or zones along the Ecliptic 
    and each of these 12 has an angular length of 30 arc degrees. Thus, this type of Zodiac is equisectorial.The tropical system remains prevalent in western astrology. In analogy of the Tropical one, we can create the Draconic zodiac too; in this 
    case we must start the first of the 12 equisectorial zodiac signs with the Ascending Lunar Node (Caput Draconis, Dragon Head) instead of Vernal Equinox Point. On the analogy of the tropical signs, we attribute the tropical qualities to the 
    Draconic segments, the first will have Aries quality, the second that of Taurus, the third that of Gemini and so on.